Karla Miller

About Karla Miller

Karla C. Miller has devoted her entire career to the practice of family law in Tennessee. She attended Auburn University and Nashville School of Law, and upon graduation in 1996, she opened her own law firm and has been assisting families throughout Tennessee since then. Learn more about Karla C. Miller here.
Apr 27, 2015

Where Does Fido Go When Pet Parents Hit Splitsville?

By |April 27th, 2015|Divorce|

A custody fight over a dog? If you have to ask that question, then you are clearly not a dog lover. Increasingly in recent years, disputes over who will get custody of the family pet have been on the rise in divorce cases across the U.S. In a survey about pet custody cases last year, [...]

Apr 1, 2015

The Effects of Parental Alienation on Children of Divorce

By |April 1st, 2015|Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law|

Parenting is a challenging task on a good day, but throw in a divorce and a custody battle, possible financial difficulties and unwanted change everywhere you look, it’s a wonder children survive to adulthood. Epic custody battles have achieved almost folkloric status in our culture. Sometimes, parents who are facing the most difficult changes in [...]

Oct 23, 2014

All of Tennessee’s Celebrities Are Getting Divorced – or so it Seems

By |October 23rd, 2014|Alimony, Division of Assets, Divorce, Family Law, Prenuptial Agreements|

At least once a week, a headline pops up on the news about Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton getting a divorce. And every single week, one (or both) of them denies that it’s true. Over the past few weeks, however, the focus has shifted slightly to Gina and Pat Neely, the celebrity chef couple, and [...]

Sep 11, 2014

The Fate of Sonya Hodgins and her Adoption Controversy

By |September 11th, 2014|Family Law|

As family law attorneys, we’ve been paying close attention to the Clarksville case involving a young girl who was taken from her adoptive parents’ home and sent to Nebraska to live with her birth father. The story centers on Sonya Hodgins, age nine, and her father John McCaul. For those of you who don’t follow [...]

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Karla Miller is a warrior. My case was and still is a very complicated and messy one, but she has been professional and top notch throughout the entire process. I had 2 prior attorneys for this case and they don't even come close to the level of superiority that Karla does when it comes to law and getting the job done. Five stars is not enough for how well Karla does her job. If you have a hard case or just want the best attorney, you have to hire Karla Miller. BEST LAYWER IN NASHVILLE! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ [Google Review]