Divorce does not really end a relationship when a couple has children together. Divorce merely transforms the relationship from an intimate partnership to a co-parenting partnership. This is not an easy transition by any means, but it is a necessary one if there is to be any peace among the parties concerned. Developing a productive co-parenting relationship is not only good for the former spouses, but it is good for the child because it provides a healthy model for them to follow. When they limit the post-divorce conflict, it creates a more positive environment which allows the child to adapt to the new family configuration.
One of the biggest challenges for those trying to navigate a successful co-parenting arrangement is communication. Fortunately there are several ways in which technology can help facilitate daily or at least consistent communication between the child and their non-custodial parent and between the co-parents. Here are a few tools that can be used to have a positive impact on communication between co-parents and parents and child.
Shared parenting software
Our Family Wizard is an online program that allows parents to manage all of the details that come with shared parenting. It gives divorced or separated parents the tools they need to schedule and track parenting time, manage expenses and keep a log of communications. This program is available through a paid subscription. A free option with similar features is 2houses.com it also has a mobile version of the program. Another tool for managing co-parenting is ShareKids.com, which is a secure, co-parenting program that has been designed to minimize conflict between separated and divorced parents who are sharing custody of their children.
Shared calendars
Having a shared calendar, as long as all parties use it consistently, is a great way to make sure that everyone is informed about what is happening with regard to pick-up and drop-off schedules, school activities, vacations, doctor appointments. If both parents have a Google account, the Google calendar is free and easy to use.
Email and text messaging
Communicating through email can be helpful especially between parents who might still have some conflict going on between them. With email there is a record of the communication, and it allows the sender to edit their message before sending it unlike with a phone conversation where someone might say something in the heat of anger and frustration that they can’t take back. Texting can also be helpful for on-the-go communications between co-parents and between parent and child.
Video conferencing
When there is distance involved and one parent is unable to spend as much time in the presence of their child as they would like to, options such as Skype and Facetime allow kids and parents to meet up face to face and interact in real time. For kids who have a smart phone they can be free to use Facetime with their non-residential parent as often as possible given busy schedules. Setting aside time each week or when there has been a longer than usual absence can help maintain and strengthen the bond between parent and child when they can’t be together.
If you are planning a divorce and you have children you need a compassionate Nashville divorce attorney who will represent you with integrity. You are welcome to contact the legal team at Miller Upshaw Family Law, PLLC for more information.