Why is January Considered the Unofficial “Divorce Month?”In both the United States and the UK, inquiries about divorce and filings for divorce have seen a significant spike in January. We wanted to look into some of the reasons why the beginning of the year tends to see the end of so many marriages across the U.S. Here are the top five reasons we found:

  1. Couples want to keep the family together for one last holiday season. Even if a person is pretty sure that they are ready to get out of their marriage in the fall, who wants to be that Grinch who asks for a divorce right before the holidays begin? If there are children involved, parents might feel there is nothing to be lost in giving them one more year of holiday memories with the family intact.
  2. People make resolutions to change their lives in January–to let go of those things that are no longer working for them. The end of the year is a time for taking stock of your life and deciding on resolutions for the New Year. If a marriage is not working, bringing it to an end can be an effective way to get your life back on track, especially if you have put a significant amount of time and energy into trying to make it better.
  3. Year-end bonuses have been given out. Income brought into a marriage is marital property. When those year-end bonuses come through, it means a little breathing room for couples. Some people may feel more confident about filing for a divorce if they think they will be more financially secure – and if they know they will get a share of that bonus.
  4. Holiday excitement has waned. Waiting until the excitement of holiday celebrations have ended, and you have had ample time to think and plan makes filing for divorce in January make a lot of sense.

Filing for divorce takes thought and planning. It forces you to get your finances in order, and it requires attention to many of the details that people easily overlook. Divorce is a process that is neither quick nor easy. While you may come to the decision to file in January, you should be prepared to buckle up for a long, emotional and complicated ride until it is resolved. Talking with a divorce attorney who will answer your initial questions can be helpful as you begin the divorce process.

If you are thinking about or planning to get a divorce, you are welcome to speak with our Nashville divorce attorneys to discuss your case. Please contact the legal team at Miller Upshaw Family Law, PLLC to learn more about our divorce legal services.