nashville divorce attorneyYou do not have to live in Lewis County to have a vested interest in the recent drama playing out in the papers with Tennessee Senator Josey Hensley and his now ex-wife. For public figures – politicians, celebrities, local business owners and the like – seeing an intimate personal tragedy through the lens of the local news can add unneeded stress and worry to your life. The divorce is hard enough without wondering, as Senator Henlsey has, whether “false allegations have damaged [his] reputation” in the eyes of the general public and his constituents.

If you and your soon-to-be-ex are in a position where your most personal details could potentially be shared with a larger audience than you might like, here are some suggestions to help you keep your private life private:

  • Get off social media. Do not post anything to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or any other social media site – even content that is unrelated to your life. It is best to keep a low profile, and not posting updates about your whereabouts or your thoughts gives people less fodder. This is especially true with photos, which can be doctored to suit the needs of other people.
  • Speak to your family about your privacy needs. Ask your siblings, parents, grandparents – whomever you are in contact with – to please respect your privacy when it comes to their own conversations with friends or on social media outlets.
  • Keep your children out of your business. Your kids, whether they are 6 or 36, should never be used (even unwittingly) as pawns in your divorce. Keep your thoughts and feelings about your spouse to yourself, and avoid the urge to sway them to “your” side, or to use them as leverage against your ex in a public or social way.
  • Avoid controversial statements or actions. If you have always supported an organization or group, you should continue to do so: with your time, with your donations or with your public credibility. But this is not the time to throw your weight behind a controversial organization, as you may find yourself in the spotlight more often than you wish.
  • Speak to a counselor or a lawyer, and not to anyone else, about your circumstances. The court of public opinion is strong but illogical; one innocent comment taken out of context could lead to a world of trouble. Furthermore, stick only to the truth and the whole truth, or say nothing at all. Resist the urge to garner support or pity for your situation through embellishment, especially because it could have legal ramifications later.

If you are in a position where your divorce will become a matter of public interest, your best bet is to speak to Tennessee divorce attorney with experience handling high-profile cases. We know the difficulties and challenges you face, and we will treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve, and treat your case with the discretion it requires. To learn more about our divorce and family law services for clients in and around Nashville, please contact Miller Upshaw Family Law, PLLC to reserve an in-person or video consultation.